Before we begin the first lesson, I want to say that this closet shop girl is back in business. I apologize for not keeping the momentum after writing the intro and making all of these wonderful promises for the new you to come. But with the new year comes promises and resolutions I plan to keep. So with that, we move to the closet.
The focus for this entry is motivating you to GUT out your closet. A clean closet allows you to slough off the excess junk and get to the point where your eyes can recognize actual pieces and eventually full-on looks without much thought. I realize that the task of cleaning out the closet can be daunting and unrealistic when there is so much more to do with a free afternoon or evening. But much like exercising, once you get into the groove you are unstoppable. Follow my tips for tackling the closet in one stride; and trust me that when you have finished you will feel like you can breathe again.

Things you will need:
-a closet in need of attention
-2 trash bags
- top and pant hangers
-1-2 bins able to fit underneath the bed
**remember we are trying to de-clutter and simplify, and too many bins can be counter-productive. Use for articles that are keepers but out of season (i.e. heavy cable sweaters)
-music (optional, but highly recommended. NO TV! You will get distracted, stop and watch)
-a friend (optional)
1. Set up three places for keepers, give-aways, throw-aways. Begin by pulling out pieces one by one. Without analyzing toss items into one of the three piles. Be honest with yourself: if you don’t wear it, or don’t feel absolutely undeniably amazing wearing it put it in the give-/throw-away piles. Do not worry about folding or organizing just yet; right now we are creating space.
2. Place all of the throw-aways in one of the large trash bags. These are clothes with holes, peeling, worn down elastic, and designs that evoke a visceral reaction. Once filled, close and sit outside of your room for further processing in the trashcan.
3. From the 2 remaining piles this is where the fun begins. The keepers are a no brainer. They will find their way back home to the closet. Give-aways will get the most attention today. Go through and decide if there are staples that can be re-worked into your wardrobe. Next, take a look at any second glance items and decide if they are salvageable to fit any trends current in fashion.
Example: I have a cashmere blend sweater that is uber-comfy and uber-big from the time of a fluffier Jey. The sweater is still highly worthy of use but it swallows me. I resolve it by pushing up the sleeves, belting it at my waist and wearing skinny jeans with big hoop earrings. This is my way of saving a loved sweater and making it relevant. Everything will not work out for the better, so know when to let go.
4. For what is left of the give-aways I usually do 2 things I separate what I know I can immediately give away to a friend of relative that has asked about the item before and put the rest in trash bag 2 and put it outside the door. This can be dropped off at a nearby shelter or Salvation Army site.
5. Now start hanging and folding the keepers. As you begin to organize, intentionally look at the keepers and get excited about the new possibilities. Also, look at all of the clothes you are blessed to have cover your back. It is okay to try on as thoughts of potential outfits enter your mind. It is necessary.
6. Once finished, step back and marvel at your hard work. By cleaning your closet you are being proactive about the way you will present yourself to the world from now on.
The steps I have offered here are exactly what I use for clients and myself when I find that the wardrobe is not longer inspiring. It is not about going out and buying a brand new wardrobe every time you think you have nothing to wear. The time will come for that. It is about rearranging and reinvigorating your wardrobe simply by changing things up and knowing what you own.
I hope that you enjoy this cleansing process and from here creativity will be taking over. If you have any questions or suggestions for how to approach closet clean out please share your comments or shoot me an email at
Until next time!
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