Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The introduction and what this girl is all about

Hello to all! My name is Jey and I am excited to introduce myself as your virtual closet shopper. I offer online advice about using your closet as your own unique boutique; organizing and maintaining of your closet; and most importantly using what you’ve got in that closet to reinvigorate your wardrobe and confidence without spending a dollar (or spending very few dollars)

I work as a personal shopper/stylist both within retail and freelance. I am originally from Atlanta where I began shall I say paying my debt to society by working as a sales associate in retail. I then moved to DC to change up the pace and inevitably found my self waking up to the same routine I had in ATL: wake up. Fret over if my outfit (or in retail speech "look") reflects the clothing brand I am selling to my customers. Try on a few "looks". Resort to the same uniform-with-a-color-scheme change-up that says "hey I am wearing enough articles that say the brand name on the label”...Arrive at the mall. I observe as people, mainly women, come in to my store and buy up the lot. Sometimes it is the same tee in 5 colors or everything they would never imagine wearing but they were feeling daring that day, so they buy it (only to return mounds of stuff when their charge bill arrives). I find myself becoming emotionally attached to the process of buying clothes. I allow myself to look into my closet with dismay every morning so that I would have a justified reason for why I should look forward to buying something. That all changed when I decided to revisit the world of closet shopping.

Closet shopping is looking into your closet with excited eyes and a creative and fun spirit that will allow you to dress your best. Through organizing and gutting out your cave of a closet, you are essentially starting a makeover process. But this time you will make over your SOUL.

This blog is meant to establish a place that discusses personal style, budget, organization and the celebration of self (looking goooooood!). As a working gal, I recognize the amount of pressure on a daily basis it takes to figure out what you can wear that is going to represent all facets of your personality to the dozens of people with whom you will come into contact without looking like a crazed tacky bag lady. I know it can be stressful, but the beauty of it is it really doesn’t have to be. You own the tools. Now, it’s just letting me do my bippity-boppity-boo magic in helping you re-work your wardrobe to something more updated and relevant to you without spending tons of money.

I say to all of my customers: There is not much we can control in our lives 100%. BUT, we do have control over what we look like when we walk outside of our houses in the morning. From the moment we wake up we CHOOSE to look good and feel confident and grab life by the collar calmly saying in our most bad-ass voice "Pay close attention, kid. You might learn something" We are giving ourselves full control over our day and Destiny because we CHOOSE to walk the streets confidently, reflecting that radiance in the way we dress.

Ultimately, I want you to join me in my journey toward an attitude of gratitude for the bodies, the looks and the clothes we are blessed to have. What we’ve got is what we’ve go to work with. And my gah do I want you to enjoy what you’ve got as you would a great hair day.